
●Specically designed for Graphite-to-Graphite or for SiC-SiC
●Usable to nearly 1000 C in air
●Protects Graphite from oxidation
●Contains no RCF (Refractory Ceramic Fiber)
●Withstands cyclic use
●Water-based & easy cleanup.


Cera Glue GG is a fiber-free, ready-to-use, water-based, bonding glue for Graphite-to-Graphite or for bonding Silicon Carbide ceramics to one another. Cera Glue GG bonds parts together dramatically, creating a strong adhesive connection of the pieces. USES: * Bonding parts that would be difficult to make as monolithic * Glue-repair of broken or chipped Graphite or SiC parts Sealing surfaces, fissures, gaps Apply glue to both faces to be bonded and place them together while still wet; then dry the pieces thoroughly at room temperature (i.e., overnight) and/or at 60 C. To achieve the bond, Cera Glue GG requires a one-time bake-on at >= 800 C (>= 1472 F) for ½ hour.