Feature(may vary by option.)

●PROFESSIONAL - used by trainers and competitors alike. Prepare for competition, use on a home-built course, or just have fun with the kids!
●OFFICIAL - these rings are 9 inches in diameter (23cm) and 1 inch thick (2.5cm). These legitimate grip rings are designed to work well on various ninja courses and ring obstacles.
●DURABLE - these rings are made of high-quality material that will not crack or split. They will endure heavy use on legitimate courses.
●VERSATILE - these rings can be used on slack lines, ring sliders, overhead pegs, etc. They can be featured on a variety of obstacles and suit all ages.




These 9-inch rings are large and strong for real Ninja Warrior use. They are slightly textured for grip and made of high-quality material for strength and durability. Our rings are used with slack lines, ring sliders, overhead rings, sea of rings, etc. Available in black and red.