
●MATERIAL- Our Coarbor material is made of 100% brand new high-density permeable 180 GSM polyethylene knitted fabric material.
●IMPORTANT- Our shade sails have curved sides to enhance pull strength and prevent drooping; this can add 1”-8” in side length. Middle-center of sail will be shorter in width due to curves. If straight sides are preferred please contact us.
●BREATHABLE MATERIAL- Our material is made with woven HDPE meaning that even on hot days, this allows cool breezes to flow through. It also is sunshine resistant meaning not only will it not fade it protects you and your loved ones from the harsh sun. This is able to provide up to 95% sunshine blockage.
●MAINTENANCE- Our Coarbor sunshade is easily able to be cleaned. With gentle detergent and soap you can gently wash your shade sail outside and hose it down with water to get debris off. The material is also fade resistant so this helps with the cleaning process as well.
●LIFETIME- Our product is backed by a limited 3 year warranty. If winds are above 20 MPH we do recommend that you pull them down ensuring that there is no ripping, tearing or straining on the grommets that are unnecessary. The deviation above 16 feet is 1-6 inches, and the error below 16 feet is 1-3 inches. This situation is normal. The reason is the material of the fabric.

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