
●? Measurement: Measurement is taken from corner to corner, edges are made slightly curved based on precisely calculated radian, helps shade sail to be tight and neat after installation, prevent shade sail from sagging in the middle for best appearance and performance. If you prefer straight edges please contact us for a custom order.
●? Durable Material: Shade sail is made of 100% 200 GSM HDPE (High Density Polyethylene), block up to 95% of harmful UV, woven knitted, breathable fabric allows water and breeze to go through, prevent pooling water and catch less wind. UV inhibitors are now added during the manufacture of shade cloth and good shade cloth now generally comes with a 5 years UV degradation warranties. made to last under sun exposure, resistant to UV, water & fading.
●? Stainless D ring and Finished Edges: Edges are finished with heavy duty double layers reinforced stitched seams, prevent frayed edges and keep shade sail in shape, stainless D rings are attached to each corner for easy installation, corners are constructed with extra amount of stitched seams to maximize the strength of D rings.
●How to Choose size & to Install: 1. Approximate how much area you want to shade. 2. Triangle square or rectangle depends on the number of existing poles, can also attach the shade sail with hardware kits to roof, tree, even concrete wall. 3. Use cable wires to connect shade sail to hardware if necessary, if you don’t use cable wires, have a 0.5 - 2 ft space between D rings and poles, have some rooms for the hardware kits, which are seprately to sell.
●? Warranty: Shade sail comes with 5 years warranty under normal weather condition, your 100% satisfaction is our goal. We recommend to buy with our hardware to maximize the performance and appearance. Why are we so confident? Because we are the manufacturer.

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