
●MATERIAL- Our material is heavy duty and durable made of 100% brand new high-density permeable 180 GSM HDPE polyethylene knitted fabric material. Made so that no water is accumulated on top during rainfall, 0% recycled material. This helps prevent sagging and drooping that accumulated water could potentially do to your shade sail over time.
●INFO- With our curved edges not only do they bring character and style to your home or business, they serve a purpose. Our shade sails have curved sides to enhance pull strength and prevent drooping; this can add 1”-8” in side length. Middle-center of sail will be shorter in width due to curves. If straight sides are preferred please contact us. Read description for details
●FUNCTION- Protect yourself and your guests from the harsh sun with up to 98% UV protection. These can be used over pools, patios, gardens and even sandboxes to keep the little ones cool. This sailcloth awning is much less expensive and more stylish than an expensive attached awning and even more effective in most cases.
●ADVANTAGE- With the stainless Steel D-rings in each corner, it makes the sun shade sail easy to attach to any sturdy connection point to provide sun protection and personal design where you need it.
●LIFETIME- If installed correctly this shade sail will last for years to come. 3 Years warranty under normal usage and normal weather conditions.

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