Feature(may vary by option.)

●✓ The Emraw Dual Hole Manual Pencil Sharpener with Lid & Rectangular Receptacle to Catch Shavings for Regular & Oversize Pencils/Crayons in Blue, Green, Pink & Black Great for School Home & Office - 4-Pack is a highly useful product at the time whenever there is a need of sharpening.
●✓ SPECS: Our Manual Pencil Sharpener are portable in nature that has a lid along with a rectangular receptacle for the purpose of catching the shavings from the pencils as well as the crayons. Two holes are present for the accommodation of regular and oversized pencils.
●✓ QUALITY: The manual pencil sharpener for kids is of a premium quality and are made from durable plastic which necessarily resists breaking. They are just the appropriate size for kids little hands for easy manipulation thereby making the product a convenient way for kids to sharpen regular as well as the oversized crayons & pencils.
●✓ DESIGN: The double hole pencil sharpener is designed in such a way by the manufacturers so as to suit the sharpening needs of the users at its best.
●✓ USES: The manual pencil sharpener heavy duty is readily used by the kids in particular for the purpose of sharpening of the pencils in school as well as their homes.



Emraw Dual Hole Manual Pencil Sharpener with Lid & Rectangular Receptacle to Catch Shavings The Problem:
Your kid frequently breaks the lead of the pencil and hence a durable sharpener would just be ideal in this regard for giving it to you kid.
You have a sharpener with a lid but it is not of a very good quality and most importantly, the sharpener does not fit the pencils that are oversized which creates a lot of problems for you at the time of giving it to your kid.
Our Solution:
Our Manual Pencil Sharpener is just the perfect thing that you need to give to your kid to suffice the pencil sharpening needs and being durable in nature it ensures complete satisfaction.
Our manual pencil sharpener heavy duty comes with a very good quality lid and has double holes for necessarily fitting the pencils that are oversized.
4 Per Pack
Coming in a pack of four sharpeners, the pack becomes very economical for the parents to give it to their kids.
Double Hole
The manual pencil sharpener for kids comes with two holes.
The presence of double holes makes the sharpener just great for regular as well as the oversized pencils hence a preferred choice.
Available in Bright Colors
The double hole pencil sharpener comes in bright colors making it attractive to the kids.
The manual pencil sharpener for the kids coms in blue, green, black and pink colors.
Comes with a Lid and Receptacle
Our manual pencil sharpener heavy duty comes with a lid and a receptacle.
The lid of the Manual Pencil Sharpener prevents the shavings from coming out and the receptacle holds the shavings properly inside.
Great to be Used by the Kids
The manual pencil sharpener for kids as indicated by the name is ideal for the kids to be used for the purpose of sharpening their pencils as well as crayons.