
●HOW TO ORDER: Each cellular shade is produced at exact size as your order. For inside mount, it is important you order the shade width 1/4" ? 3/8” smaller than the actual window width. Please refer to the inside mount photo size chart between actual window width vs Shade Width to order. For outside mount, you can order the size you want, we recommend ordering additional width to prevent light gaps on the sides of your window. Please refer to how to measure and how to order illustrations.
●BlindsAvenue Day/Night cordless shades go from light-filtering to blackout or anywhere in the middle with one unique product! These versital, single-cell honeycombs are like having two different shades in one. Simply raise or lower the cordless lift handles and adjust them as needed to provide all filtered light, complete blackout functionality, or any combination of the two.
●BlindsAvenue Day/Night cordless shades have the light filtering 9/16" single-cell fabric on the top half color-matched with the blackout material on the bottom for a custom appearance. They come in Ten popular colors to fit in with any color palette in your home.
●BlindsAvenue Day/Night cordless shades feature an upgraded cordless operation making them perfect for child & pet safety. The cordless operation also allow you to not have to order the exact length of your window. Our cellular shades with cordless operation allow the shade to stop at any length up to 72" tall. For windows less than 48" tall order the 48" height. For windows between 48" tall & 72" tall order the 72" length, you just simply lower the shade to the desired length.
●BlindsAvenue Day/Night cordless cellular shades are made and shipped FAST! Your shades should arrive between 7-10 Days from your order date depending on where you are located in the US.

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*** PLEASE READ*** Each cellular shade is produced at exact size as your order. For inside mount, it is important you order the shade width 1/4" ? 3/8” smaller than the actual window width. Please refer to the inside mount photo size chart between actual window width vs Shade Width to order. For outside mount, you can order the size you want, we recommend ordering additional width to prevent light gaps on the sides of your window. Please refer to how to measure and how to order illustrations. BlindsAvenue Cordless 9/16" Day/Night Cellular Shades come standard with high quality spun lace fabrics. This shade also comes standard with a durable PVC headrail and bottom rail. Day/Night shades are unique in that it offers two shades in one. The day part of the shade is light filtering while the night side of the shade is room darkening. You simply raise and lower the side of the shade you want at any given time. Day/Night shades are extremely popular for use in bedrooms and entertainment rooms due to their versatility. BlindsAvenue Cordless 9/16" Day/Night Cellular Shades are child and pet safe. Installation is very simple, two screws and snap in the headrail.