
●Measurement of shade sail is from D ring to D ring, edges are made slightly curved to prevent middle from sagging for best appearance and performance. Shade sail should be approx at least 0.5 ft to 1 ft shorter than the distance between actual mounting points without any cable extension, additional installation hardware kits may be required to create mounting points and tension.
●Fabric material is permeable, allow water and airflow to go through to prevent pooling water.
●95% UV blockage, significantly reduce harmful UV ray and temperature, allowing a constant circulation of fresh air, perfect for garden patio outdoor party.
●Sun shade sail is finished heavy duty webbing inside the seamed edges, corners are finished with stainless steel D ring for easy installation.
●Warranty: Shade sail comes with 5 years warranty under normal weather condition, your 100% satisfaction is our goal. We recommend to buy with our hardware to maximize the performance and appearance. Why are we so confident? Because we are the manufacturer.

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95% UV Blockage Shade sail blocks up to 95% of the harmful UV.95% UV Blockage Shade sail blocks up to 95% of the harmful UV.

95% UV Blockage

Shade sail blocks up to 95% of the harmful UV.


Easy Installation

Figure out your desired shade sail size by subtracting 0.5-1 ft from your attachment points.


Install it Right

Make your shade sail taut with our installation kit. Turnbuckles are the best tensioning hardware for shade sail longevity.



Permeable fabric allows air to flow through for you to feel the breeze. Water will drip through to prevent sagging and your shade sail will be good as new the next day!

spr water 8x10 8x12 8 16 10x10
Super Ring Sun Shade Sail Waterproof Sun Shade Sail 8 x 10 Sun Shade Sail 8 x 12 Sun Shade Sail 8 x 16 Sun Shade Sail 10 x 10 Sun Shade Sail
Size For All Sizes For All Sizes 8 x 10 8 x 12 8 x 16 10 x 10
Permeable / Waterproof Permeable Waterproof Permeable Permeable Permeable Permeable
GSM 260 GSM 220 GSM 190 GSM 190 GSM 190 GSM 190 GSM
UV Blockage 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95%
Curved Edges ? ? ? ? ? ?
Rust Free ? ? ? ? ? ?
Customizable ? ? ? ? ? ?
hardware 10x13 10x16 10x20 12x12 12x16
Rectangle Hardware Kits 10 x 13 Sun Shade Sail 10 x 16 Sun Shade Sail 10 x 20 Sun Shade Sail 12 x 12 Sun Shade Sail 12 x 16 Sun Shade Sail
Size For All Sizes 10 x 13 10 x 16 10 x 20 12 x 12 12 x 16
Permeable / Waterproof Permeable Permeable Permeable Permeable Permeable
GSM 190 GSM 190 GSM 190 GSM 190 GSM 190 GSM
UV Blockage 95% 95% 95% 95% 95%
Curved Edges ? ? ? ? ?
Material Stainless Steel HDPE HDPE HDPE HDPE HDPE
Rust Free ? ? ? ? ? ?
Customizable ? ? ? ? ? ?