
●Level 2-3
●Independent Side Movement
●Degree of leverage is zero because ratio of shank to purchase is one to one
●Curb chain recommended See Curb Kit item 89-0024


Stainless Steel 3 3/4" Dee with 2 Hooks, with Stainless Steel Correctional Ported Barrel (MB 41PB) Copper Inlay Mouth. About the mouthpiece: the 41PB is a truly unique Myler mouthpiece. This mouth piece is a correctional mouthpiece, a ported mouthpiece that collapses on to the outer lip and bars, and rotates on to the tongue. The port has a staggered or tiered design. The base of the port is generously wide with rounded corners, o?ering virtually the same comfort and tongue relief of a Level Tree mouthpiece. The top of the port is narrower and has pronounced corners. If the horse is relaxed, the tongue can pass comfortably under the wider opening. When the reins are engaged, the mouthpiece collapses on to the bars and lips and rotates on to the tongue (similarly to the 27PB, but to a lesser degree). The pronounced corners of the port apply two points of pressure on the tongue for increased control. The result is a mouthpiece that o?ers maximum tongue relief for the horse, but very good control for the rider. The unique design and the generous tongue relief of the 41PB make it the only correctional that can be used long term, possibly even as a horse’s ?nishing bit. The 41PB used with Western cheekpieces is 1 ¼" high. The 41PB used with English cheekpieces and the combination bit is only ¾" high. This mouthpiece also has Independent Side Movement . For the same tongue relief in a curb mouthpiece, see the 33 or 05. For slightly more tongue pressure in a curb mouthpiece, see the 43LP. For quicker tongue pressure and less tongue relief, see the correctional 27PB. From The Level Best for Your Horse by Dale, Ron and Bob Myler. ⓒToklat Originals, Inc.