Feature(may vary by option.)

●The lightest and smallest electronic pipette protects from repetitive strain injury (RSI) and eases work load in long lasting pipetting
●Effortless, light electronic tip ejection
●New generation technology guarantees accurate and precise pipetting results
●Fully electronic operations guarantee user-independent results
●A unique plate tracker increases reliability in microwell plate work, by guiding pipetting steps

[0.2-10µl Volume Range]

[50-1000µl Volume Range]

[500-10000µl Volume Range]

[100-5000µl Volume Range]

[10-300µl Volume Range]

[5-120µl Volume Range]


Picus, the winner of the Red Dot design award and Fennia Prize Honorary Mention in 2012, is Sartorius Biohits newest, and most ergonomic, pipette family. Being the smallest and lightest electronic pipette on the market, it is designed to ease your workload and to provide protection from repetitive strain injury (RSI). Its new generation technology, electronic brake and piston control system guarantee accurate and precise pipetting results. By guiding pipetting steps the unique plate tracker increases reliability in microwell plate work. Picus is available in single-channel models, covering the volume range of 0.2 - 10,000 µl, and in multichannel models from 0.2 µl to 1200 µl. One Picus can be used for several liquid handling tasks from regular pipetting to diluting with mixing and automatic repetitive dispensings. All Picus models have eight main pipetting modes and five pipetting mode additions, to be used in conjunction with the main modes.