
●Synthetic mongoose performs beautifully
●Excellent with all viscosities of oil paint
●Perfect for blending
●Features a comfortable touch handle
●A fan brush creates a thick and thin lined appearance in a single stroke, which looks beautiful on mixed media backgrounds. The fan is a staple for landscapes and foliage due to the shape of the brush, which spreads, or fans, out, allowing paint to be applied in multiple directions in a single stroke.


Imperial Lifestyle imageImperial Lifestyle image

The Imperial Series 6600 brushes, from Princeton Artist Brush Co, are reliable brushes with a long, gold comfort touch handle and a radiant gold ferrule that holds the synthetic mongoose hairs in place, allowing for years of continued use with proper care. Though synthetic, the hair found within these brushes is comparable in performance and quality to original mongoose hair, while being more durable and affordable. Stiffer than sable and softer than bristle, Princetons Imperial brushes perform exceptionally well with both acrylic and oil paints of all viscosities.

Care for BrushesCare for Brushes

Creating Brushes that Inspire

Princeton Artist Brush Co. is one of the largest brush-makers in North America. Since our start in 1992, artist brushes have been our sole focus. While other companies offer an assortment of art supplies, Princeton focuses on making one thing: the most affordably priced, best quality artist brushes available today.

Bright Fan Filbert Flat Round Short Filbert
Bright Fan Filbert Flat Round Short Filbert
Brush Type Bright Fan Filbert Flat Round Short Filbert
Brush Purpose Creating both broad strokes and thin lines Creating texture, smoothing other strokes and softening edges Strokes with soft edges Large, broad sweeping strokes Thick to thin strokes Strokes with soft edges
Common Uses Covering large surfaces, murals and washes Creating texture, layering color, foliage Filling in circular areas, floating and blending Base coating, washes and applying color to large areas Detailing and filling large areas Filling in circular areas, floating and blending
Sizes Available 0, 2, 6, 10, 16, 20 - Angle Bright 6, 12 4, 12 0, 4, 8, 12, 16 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 2/0, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12 - Long Round 8 2, 6

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