
●MATERIAL AND SIZING- Our material is 150 GSM with visibility blockage of 88%. The sizing is ideal for 6 foot high fences. COMES WITH ZIP TIES. Cable zip ties are included for installation. The only fence screen product on the market that are made of 150 GSM 100% HDPE material. It is 70% more durable than recycled HDPE under sun exposure, fabric has been treated with UV stabilized compound, preventing fence screen from dried out, tearing and fading, significantly extend the lifespan.
●INFO- Fencing material is made with 100% High quality polyethylene material. Made to be 90% UV Resistant ensuring that it won’t fade. Most economical way for privacy over chain link fence, porous decorative concealment, existing cyclone wire fence, wood retaining wall, welded wire fence, chain link fence, privacy barrier around swimming pool
●FUNCTION- Our material is perfect for home, garden, pool area, patios, and construction. Since this material is somewhat sheer its perfect if you need some privacy but also want to see whats on the other side of the fence. More grommets are placed evenly along all edges, 12 inches apart vertically, 24 inches horizontally. All edges are covered with black reinforced 3-inch binding (1.5-inch on each side). The grommets and bindings help the screen to hold up in the wind.
●ADVANTAGE- grommets are made of brass and rust resistant. Grommets are placed evenly on all 4 sides with 3 grommets placed on every corner for extra strength. different uses: protection for vegetable garden plants, greenhouse covering, wind blocking for plant nursery area, window shades, tennis court, shades for pet pen / kennel, construction site, etc. Breathable weaving fabric allows water and air to go through freely, resistant to both UV and water, no maintenance needed.
●LIFETIME AND WARRANTY- To ensure your fencing wont fray weve sewn 1.5" black binding with double reinforced fabric on all edges for maximum life span. This fencing comes with a 3 year warranty.

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img IMG img img img img
GSM 150GSM 180GSM 240GSM 280GSM 480GSM
Material HDPE HDPE HDPE Vinyl Coated Polyester Pvc Mesh PVC Nylon
Waterproof - - - - ?
Privacy Block Percentage 90% 90% 90% 80% 100%