
●CPL (Circular Polarizer Lens) Filter has two major applications: it can reduces reflections from various surfaces, and/or it can filter out the polarized component of light from the sky, increasing contrast with of clouds
●Improves the appearance of vegetation, increases contrast between the sky and clouds, and/or suppresses reflections
●Also, protects the front portions of your lens from water, dust, and scratches
●Fit on 46mm lens, filter, adapter etc
●CPL can be used in combination with an UV Lens for stunning scenics, or to protect the front lens element from dirt, fingerprints, and scratches


CPL Filter, 46mm, Circular Polarizer Filter/CPL filter. it removes unwanted reflections from non-metallic surfaces such as water and glass. They also enable colors to become more saturated and appear more clear, with better contrast. this effect is often used to increase the contrast and saturation in blue skies and white clouds, Polarizing filters do not affect the overall color balance of a shot.