

Jim Henson co-directs, produces and lends his voice to this classic animated adventure set on the planet Thra. 1000 years ago, a mysterious crystal was broken creating two new races, the evil Skeksis and the kind Mystics. With feuding all around him, Gelling Jen (voice of Henson) - the only one left of his kind - dreams of the day when he can restore peace to his planet. A Mystic tells him that in order to return Thra to its former glory Jen must heal the crystal before the three suns align. If he fails, the Skeksis will be free to rule forever. Synopsis In another time, The Dark Crystal was the Balance and Truth in the Universe, but was destroyed dividing the world into two factions: the wicked Skeksis and the peaceful Mystics. Now as the convergence of the three suns approaches the Crystal must be healed or darkness will reign forever. It is up to Jen, the last of his race, to carry out the prophecy that a Golfing will return the missing shard of crystal and destroy the Skeksis’ evil Empire. But will Jen be up to the challenge of battling the unknown? Special Features: ALL-NEW: “The Myth, Magic and Henson Legacy” featurette: Go behind the scenes of this iconic film with stories from Lisa Henson and Toby Fraud. Deleted Scenes Commentary with Brian Fraud Picture-in-Picture Storyboard Track Original Skeksis Language Scenes with Introduction by Screenwriter David Odell “The World of The Dark Crystal” Documentary “Reflections of The Dark Crystal: “Light on the Path of Creation” & “Shard of Illusion”” featurette Photo Galleries Theatrical Teaser & Trailer