
●BACKED BY 40 YEARS OF RESEARCH. The 6DS Mouthpiece s patented design references 40 years of research verifying that the bite is directly related to body alignment. Reaching optimal alignment removes several body restrictions allowing you to square the shoulders, open up your rib cage and improve hip rotation, immediately increasing your strength, flexibility and endurance.
●STABILIZES ALL 6 JAW DIMENSIONS. Our patented mouthguard design instantly stabilizes the 6 dimensional planes of your jaw including the Anterior Posterior, Protrusive, Pitch, Yaw, Roll and Lateral planes. This proper jaw position transfers down to the rest of your body, providing full-body alignment and thus, improved stability.
●SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED FOR HEAVY LIFTING. Our 6DS Heavy Lifting Mouthpiece is specifically designed for Strongman, Olympic lifting, powerlifting and bodybuilding athletes. By placing your body in its most aligned and stable position, you give your muscles the best platform to optimize strength and performance for extreme lifts.
●PREVENTS TEETH GRINDING & CRACKING. All heavy lifters understand the risk of unprotected teeth grinding during a heavy deadlift, bench press or squat. With the 6DS Mouthpiece, you can safely clench down during the lift while breathing easily and avoiding the ultimate fear of painful cracked teeth.
●PERSONALIZED FIT FOR ANY USER. By using a quick and simple boil-and-bite molding process, the 6DS weightlifting mouthpiece conforms to the exact shape of your teeth, allowing them to sit comfortably during the lift and avoid unnecessary movement.



[Army Green]




New Age PerformanceNew Age Performance
New Age PerformanceNew Age Performance
New Age Performance DS TechnologyNew Age Performance DS Technology
New Age Performance 6DS MouthpieceNew Age Performance 6DS Mouthpiece

New Age PerformanceNew Age Performance

New Age PerformanceNew Age Performance

New Age PerformanceNew Age Performance


The 6DS Mouthpiece improves hip and spine while minimizing head tilt to set a proper foundation for heavy squats. The immediate stability increase allows you to drive more weight upwards and avoid potential strain in your neck and lower back areas.

Bench/Dumbbell Press

The 6DS Heavy Lifting Mouthpiece relaxes your jaw and keeps it in a consistent position, allowing you to square the shoulders, back and hips for an optimal back arch and powerful leg drive during any chest press movements.


Improve your conventional or sumo deadlift form with the 6DS Mouthpiece and protect yourself from cracking/grinding teeth during the lift. Correcting jaw position and forward head posture instantly translates to proper hip, spine and shoulder alignment, helping you minimize a rounded back and strained neck as you lift serious weight off the floor.

New Age Performance FeaturesNew Age Performance Features

New Age Performance 6DSNew Age Performance 6DS

New Age Performance 6DSNew Age Performance 6DS

New Age Performance 6DSNew Age Performance 6DS

New Age Performance 6DSNew Age Performance 6DS

Bring water to a full boil and pour it into a glass bowl

Place the mouthpiece into the glass bowl for 35 seconds

Insert the mouthpiece into your mouth while sticking your tongue 1cm past the front teeth. Bite down for 5 seconds in this position.

Place the molded mouthpiece into cold water to confirm your personalized fit.