
●Constructed of 180 GSM U*V protected high density polyethylene (HDPE) shade fabric with strong stitched seam and durable stainless steel D-rings in each corner, fitted hardware kits and ropes for easy hanging( Hardware kits are not included)
●Breathable fabric results in significant temperature reduction underneath the sail, blocks up to 95% of U*V but allows cooling breezes and light to pass through for better airy and comfortable space, allows rains to pass through, so theres no pooling water.
●Important: Our shade sails have curved sides to enhance pull strength and prevent drooping; this can add 1”-8” in side length. Middle-center of sail will be shorter in width due to curves. If straight sides are preferred please contact us. Read description for details. Easy to clean with water
●Ideal for your deck in backyard, pool and pond, pergola, sandbox, driveway or other outdoor area to protect against 88% up to 95% U*V, and make your patio privacy safe, cool and fabulous.
●Important: Our shade sails have curved sides to enhance pull strength and prevent drooping; this can add 1”-8” in side length. Middle-center of sail will be shorter in width due to curves. If straight sides are preferred please contact us. Read description for details

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image img image img image IMAGE
180 GSM Sun Shade Sail 260 GSM waterproof sail 260 GSM wire shade sail One way wire kit Hardware kits Shade Sail Pole
UV Block ? ? ? - - -
Permeable ? ? ? - - -
Waterproof - ? - - - -
GSM 180 260 260 - - -
Customize Available ? ? ? - - -