
●MADE IN THE USA: Bored Paracord 550lb paracord is made right here in the United States by certified US government contractors ensuring strength and durability.
●CONSTRUCTION: 3.5 - 4mm diameter paracord. 100% Nylon sheath with 7 type III twisted inner strands. This paracord will stand up to just about anything. With a 550 pound tensile strength, you are prepared for anything. This paracord has a very soft feel and is great for making bracelets and for the paracord craft.
●DURABILITY: Whether it is snow or rain, Bored Paracord brand paracord is made to last. It can hold up to nearly anything you throw at it.
●350+ COLORS: With over 300+ unique paracord colors, there is literally a color for everyone. You can rest assured that when you get Bored Paracord brand paracord, you are getting the absolute brightest and most vibrant colors on the market.
●VETERAN OWNED: When you purchase Bored Paracord brand paracord, you are directly supporting a Veteran Owned and Operated Small Business. Thank you!

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Whether our paracord is being used by the true outdoorsman or the avid crafter, you will see and feel the difference. The quality and feel is unmatched in the industry. Our 550 Type III Paracord / Parachute Cord is tough! Made with 100% raw nylon materials combined with a minimum of 550lb breaking strength this Paracord is the real deal.

Paracord has literally 100s of survival applications as well as many apparel applications. Whether you carrying it around in your pack or wearing it on your wrist, paracord is the one thing you do not want to be without. It is available in many different colors, and patterns and also in several different lengths.

Bundles Are 100, 50, 25, 10, & 1 Foot Options.

Spools come in a 250 and 1000 foot spool.

The Nitty Gritty:

MADE IN THE USA: Bored Paracord 550lb paracord is made right here in the United States by certified US government contractors ensuring strength and durability.

CONSTRUCTION: 3.5 - 4mm diameter paracord. 100% Nylon sheath with 7 type III twisted inner strands. This paracord will stand up to just about anything. With a 550 pound tensile strength, you are prepared for anything. This paracord has a very soft feel and is great for making bracelets and for the paracord craft.

UNBEATABLE COMFORT: Attention to detail is what we do best and it sure is the case when it comes to comfort. Our paracord is the softest and easiest to use when using it for your craft project. It is the "go-to" paracord for all paracord enthusiasts.

DURABILITY: Whether it is snow or rain, Bored Paracord brand paracord is made to last. It can hold up to nearly anything you throw at it.

VIBRANT COLORS: With over 300+ unique paracord colors, there is literally a color for everyone. You can rest assured that when you get Bored Paracord brand paracord, you are getting the absolute brightest and most vibrant colors on the market.

VETERAN OWNED: When you purchase Bored Paracord brand paracord, you are directly supporting a Veteran Owned and Operated Small Business. Thank you!

Product information