
●Uprights core technology monitors your posture and detects when you are slouching providing a gentle vibration to create cognitive awareness that drives behavioral change.
●Over time, Upright conditions youre mind and body to maintain a healthy spine position and eliminate side effects from poor posture.
●The Upright app for iOS and Android syncs with your device allowing you to calibrate your posture trainer perfectly to your specific needs. The app offers training programs, goal setting, and daily stats to track and analyze progress. The app is and software is entirely free and NO SUBSCRIPTION IS REQUIRED.
●Turn off slouching alerts, and capture accurate data on your posture throughout the day to monitor results and drive posture improvements over time.
●Supplement your posture training with unlimited access to in-app content developed by expert personal trainers and physical therapists. Each workout, stretch, and breathing exercise is designed to activate specific areas of the body to drive healthy postural habits over time. 30 Hours Per Charge.

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Introducing the new Upright GO S, the latest device from Upright, designed to make perfecting your posture more accessible and affordable than ever. Upright GO S is the simplest, fastest, and most natural way to improve your posture through advanced posture training technology derived from biofeedback and behavioral science. Strengthen back and core muscles, stimulate improved blood flow, and eliminate poor slouching habits once and for all. Take control of your posture with Upright GO S. 30 Hours Per Charge.