
●Waterproof sails are made from high density polyester that blocks up to 95% of the suns UV rays and repels up to 99% of rain water.
●Waterproof and easy to install, will lower the ambient air temperature reducing your properties cooling cost and energy consumption Constructed of high density polyester with UV-stabilized fabric for greater durability and protection, 3-year workmanship warranty and 3-year UV protection warranty
●【Easy to Install 】 Find your supports and tight the shade sail to them with ropes by the D-ring, the ropes are included in the bags you received. Install at a 20-40 degree angle with maximum tension to allow runoff.
●3-year warranty, easy to clean with soap and water. It is fade resistant,and stain resistant
●Widely used over a patio, lawn, garden, pool, pond, deck, kailyard, courtyard, backyard, dooryard, park, carport, pergola, sandbox, driveway or other outdoor area to provide 80%-85% sunshade and protect against 88% up to 95% harmful UV rays, and make your patio privacy safe, cool and fabulous.

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Waterproof Sun Shade Waterproof Sun Shade Sail Canopy Hardware Kits Hardware Kits
Waterproof ? ?
UV Blockage 95% 95%
Life Expectancy 2-3 Years 2-3 Years
Function Tensioner Kit for Corners Sail Steel Wire Hanging Kit Sail Installation Post