Feature(may vary by option.)

●The best foot brace for drop foot
●More energy efficient than competitive stiff & loadless designs
●Low profile, easy to use & comfortable
●Color: Black

[Left Foot - Large  & X-Large]

[Right Foot - Small  & Medium]


*A restocking fee may apply per Amazon policies. *

Right Foot - Large/X-Large

The Step-Smart is a low profile, light weight, energy efficient brace that is a favorite of drop foot sufferers who want to maintain a natural gait and flexibility in their ankle and toes. Biomechanically, the Step-Smart design is more energy efficient than competitive designs.

At only 11” high and weighing under 1 lb, the Step-Smart brace offers functionality and comfort. This fully articulated brace maintains ankle action, feeling and flexibility in the toes, allows for clearance during swing phase, shock absorption at heel strike, and natural toe break. Patented ‘Jacob Joint’ technology allows one brace type to be used by many in alleviating foot drop symptoms.

The Step-Smart is more desirable than stiff designs, since it allows for good plantarflexion at heel strike. Naturally, our bodies control the deceleration at heel strike with an eccentric contraction of the dorsiflexors. This combined with a slight flexion moment at the knee is what creates the best shock absorption.

The reason that the Step-Smart design is superior to the others is that it provides resistance to plantarflexion the instant the heel hits the ground. Some other designs need to be plantarflexed before the resistance is high enough to be effective. By then it is too late. The shock of hitting the ground has already damaged the foot and ankle.

The preload or resistance on the Step-Smart brace is key to shock absorption. The pre-load helps to control deceleration at contact and the Dorsiflexion assist joints allows the best clearance at swing phase. The Step-Smart brace is appreciated and considered the best drop foot brace by the medical community because patients feel better during ambulation.


  • Regain ankle action with patented Jacob Joints
  • 3/4 foot plate retains feeling and flexibility in toes (allows for easy walking on inclines)
  • Designed for clearance on swing phase
  • Engineered to handle shock absorption at heel strike

Compression Components (bumpers) - These supply different resistance levels. Each brace ships with 3 levels of compression. Choose the configuration which lifts the foot without giving too much resistance.

Green: least resistance

Amber: middle resistance

Black: greatest resistance

We recommend that you use Green Bumpers to start. This will apply the least amount of pressure to calf and you can work your way up to the higher resistance bumpers.

Start by wearing the brace in short intervals and increase wear time as you build tolerance to the pressure on the calf

Socks & Shoes are Required - The device is intended to function properly and safely with both socks and shoes. The sock will reduce friction that may occur on the calf. The shoe will provide stability to the rounded bottom of the brace and provide aid in keeping the toes lifted during swing phase. The brace should be fixed in the shoe by utilizing the included Velcro insert before donning the brace.

What shoes? -The patented Jacob Joint needs to be able to rest over the heel of your shoe roughly 2” from the ground. We recommend casual footwear for a normal fit. Some boots or high-top shoes may work with our device, but they will require extra room for the joint to fit inside the shoe and may require that you wear a 1/2 size larger than you normally do.

What socks? - We recommend antimicrobial socks that come up past the calf section of the brace. This will cover and protect your calf from any friction that may occur while walking.

Why does it look bent when its not being worn? - The preflexion angle is desired for preload before heel strike which is necessary to manage immediate deceleration of the foot. In addition, the angle of the calf section will provide clearance even in the dorsiflexion range of motion.

Why The Twist? - The brace accommodates the natural toe out of human ambulation. This is desired for good calf section tracking on the calf. The articulated calf section works best when it travels back and forth in the line of progression.

Why the Shortened Foot Plate? - The short foot plate design is intentional and allows the customer use of their toes for a more natural gait, for example an easier experience when walking up and down inclines.

Jacob Joint

It is not desirable to have a brace design with free plantarflexion. Naturally, our bodies control the deceleration at heel strike with an eccentric contraction of the dorsiflexors. This combined with a slight flexion moment at the knee is what creates the best shock absorption. With other flexible solutions, there is too much plantarflexion at heel strike causing foot slap. The result is trauma and pain to the calcaneous.

Slight Twist

The slight twist in the Step-Smart design is intentional. This is allows the device to accommodate the average amount of "toe out."


Compression components or what we call Bumpers sit in the cavities of the foot and calf sections and supply resistance, which is translated to lift and shock absorption. Different colored Bumpers supply different resistance levels. Each brace ships with 3 levels of compression. Choose the configuration which lifts the foot without giving too much resistance. Mixing and matching levels is okay (higher resistance should go on the outside).

Foot Section

Made of smooth, molded polypro plastic, the foot section includes the lower cavity of the Jacob Joint, the two uprights. The shortened foot bed leaves the trim line behind the metatarsal heads, allowing for natural toe break and flexion for stance phase.

This device is intended to aid those with standard foot drop. This device is not intended to correct or aid other medical conditions.

The Step-Smart Brace works best for foot drop caused by:

  • CMT
  • M.S.
  • M.D.
  • Post-Surgical
  • Peripheral Neuropathy
  • Spinal Injuries
  • ALS

The Step-Smart Brace works for some, but not all cases of foot drop caused by:

  • Spastic Stroke
  • Head Injury
  • Spastic CVA

The Step-Smart Brace does not work with:

  • Severe Spasticity from Stroke
  • Severe Clonus
  • Polio
  • Pediatrics
  • Lipedema/Lymphedema in the intended leg/ankle
  • Plantarflexion Contracture

Most insurance companies do cover the brace. However, we don’t handle insurance claims here. You would need a prescription for the “Step-Smart Brace and no substitutions” and see either a Podiatrist or an Orthotist.

Step-Smart Size ChartStep-Smart Size Chart