
●QUICK - The eraser offers a quick clean by removing surface level stains especially crusty mud stains, dirt and other discolourations, with no need for any other products.
●EASY – Suede & nubuck are absorbent materials. Localised wet cleaning can leave stains and marks that remain visible. This eraser is a great alternative to remove stains and clean the surface without making it wet.
●GENTLE – Gentle rubbing ensures stains are reduced or completely removed. It does not discolour the leather as long as you dont rub aggressively.
●SAFE – Made from organically bounded abrasives that are not dangerous substances.
●COMPACT - This perfect sized block means its easier to store away, and can be used on the go for shoes, bags, jackets and other suede and nubuck accessories.


Geist. Suede and nubuck eraserGeist. Suede and nubuck eraser

Geist. Suede & Nubuck Eraser

Removes Dirt, Pen Marks, Scuff Marks, discolouration and Crusty Stains. Suitable for use on Shoes, Boots, Jackets, Handbags, Furniture, Upholstery
 and Accessories

Suede and nubuck are absorbent surfaces. Wet cleaning them is risky as it leaves stains that cannot be removed. Geist. Suede & Nubuck Eraser, serves for the removal of stains on suede and nubuck car seats, furniture upholstery, garments, boots ,shoes and leather clothing. The Eraser is ideal to remove crusty stains. It removes dirt gently whilst not affecting the leather surface. The Eraser is also effective against dirt on harder surfaces (such as shoes) and sleeve/collar edges of leather clothing. The abrasive material helps grind out dirt and stains gently.

Instructions for use

Ensure the surface is dry and do not make the eraser wet before cleaning. Place one edge of the eraser on the stained area and gently rub in circular motions. Allow the abrasives in the block to grind and lift the dirt and soiling. It is perfectly normal to have shavings from the eraser. Just dust them off. Do not rub too hard as you may damage the leather. Always test in a hidden area first.

Why is it crumbly?

This product is designed to crumble a bit and leave shavings behind (just like any other eraser) . This is to prevent causing damage to the surface of the material being cleaned if rubbed too hard.


  • QUICK - clean by removing surface level stains with no need for any other products or tools.
  • EASY – No need for water, as localised wet cleaning can leave visible stains on suede and nubuck.
  • GENTLE – stains are reduced or completely removed, with no discolouration of the surface.
  • SAFE – Made from organically bounded abrasives that are not dangerous substances.
  • COMPACT - perfect sized block. Easy to store away, and use on the go.