
●Features a cordless design to offer safety and a clean look. Looking for Child and Pet safety window covering? These Shades have been tested and Certified Child and Pet Safe by Parents for Window Blind Safety and Best for Kids. (To identify Child and Pet safe product, please look for products that carry the Child Safe Logos).
●Light Filtering and privacy 1" single cell with 3/8" pleats shades
●Actual Shade Size: 22W x 48H Inches, Fits window 22.5 inches wide. Colors available: white, cream, linen, and gray cloud. Width sizes available from 20" to 72", in 1/2" increments and Height sizes available in 48", 64", 72" and 84".
●Shades can be mounted inside or outside the window frame and are easy to operate by simply holding the bottom rail and push up or pull down to the desired height.
●Mounting Hardware and Installation Instructions Included
●At DEZ Furnishings, all our products are customized and made to order. Once you place your order, your freshly made window covering will be shipped out to you within 3 business days.

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Product Description

The DEZ 1" Cordless Light Filtering Cellular Shade is a suitable choice when you wish to control the natural light that filters into your rooms. This non-woven polyester window covering offers PVC top and bottom rails for added durability. It is made with care to filter incoming light and adjust to your desired brightness. Simply hold the bottom rail and then gently raise or lower the shade by hand. The Cordless Light Filtering Cellular Shade is available in clean white, cream, linen, or gray cloud, and made to fit most standard windows. Cellular shades are a practical alternative to standard window blinds. Our DEZ window blinds and shades offer safe solutions for homes and facilities where young children and pets are present.

From the Manufacturer

22" W X 48" L - WHITE (fits window inside opening width 22" to 22.5") Soft light filtering cordless cellular shade, Size:22" W X 48" L, Color: WHITE.