
●|CUSTOM LIGHTING | The top, middle and bottom rails are adjustable to create the desired room lighting. The lift mechanism is completely cordless for easy operation and a clean appearance. Cordless shades are safe for children and pets. Light filtering and blackout options are available.
●|ENERGY EFFICIENT| Made with durable, long-lasting 100% polyester material. Provides privacy, UV protection, glare reduction, and fading prevention for furniture and carpets. The 9/16-inch honeycomb shade design provides energy efficient insulation and sound absorption.
●| MOUNTING OPTIONS | Our cordless roller shades are easy to install and use. Compatible with inside or outside the window frame mounting. The mounting brackets can be screwed into the wall or ceiling. Features hidden mounting brackets. For an outside mount, we recommend adding 4 inches to the width when ordering.
●| HOW TO ORDER | Measure the width and height in three places. Round down to the nearest half inch available. To ensure mobility within the window frame and space for the mounting brackets, our team will deduct 1/4 of an inch from the width ordered. (For example, if you order 34 inches, your blinds will arrive exactly 33 3/4 inches wide).
●| HARDWARE | End caps, simple snap-in top mount brackets, and mounting hardware are included. Headrail size: 1 5/8” High and 1 7/8” Deep (2 3/16” Deep with bracket).
●| PRIVACY | Top Down Bottom Up Black Out Shades and allows you to have privacy with the shade down, while allowing light to enter with the top lowered. PRIVACY FACTOR: 3 out of 5.

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top down bottom up Blackout cellular shades in kitchentop down bottom up Blackout cellular shades in kitchen

Top Down Bottom Up Blackout shades come in 3 colors: Dark Grey, White, and Seashell.

top down bottom up blackout cellular shadestop down bottom up blackout cellular shades

insulating cellsinsulating cells

hardware pieces includedhardware pieces included

TDBU Shades

Have complete control over privacy and lighting. These shades can be fully raised from the bottom or top!

Energy Efficient

The honeycomb cells are lined with foil and create air chambers that insulate and shield your room from outside temperatures, helping to lower your heating or cooling bills all year round.

Hardware Included

All hardware to install the blackout shades will be included in your order, along with step by step instructions and videos.

How to Measure Cellular Shades

measure window horizontally with a steel tape measure in three places: top, middle, and bottommeasure window horizontally with a steel tape measure in three places: top, middle, and bottom
TDBU shades have white backingTDBU shades have white backing

Dual Colors

To meet certain HOA requirements, the Top Down Bottom Up Blackout shade comes in dual colors - the selected color and a white backing. When installing, place the white backing facing outside, so the selected color faces inside.

Blackout vs. Light Filtering Shade

top down bottom up shadestop down bottom up shades

Blackout shade fabric not only provides greater insulation from outside noise and temperatures, but also blocks significantly more light. At night, you can position the shade to block out city and street lights, or lower for privacy. When fully extended, the shade will block out all light no matter what time of day. Blackout shades help block out early morning sunlight, helping you to get better sleep.

Light Filtering fabric offers great privacy morning and night. This unique fabric is designed to let light pass through without being too open to visibly see through. The soft light creates a warm, welcoming home environment that will brighten any room. Light Filtering shades are an excellent choice if you prefer to wake up to natural early morning light.

Comparing Linen Avenue Cellular shades - blackout, light filtering, Day/Night, TDBU blackout, TDBUComparing Linen Avenue Cellular shades - blackout, light filtering, Day/Night, TDBU blackout, TDBU
linen avenue logo blue boxeslinen avenue logo blue boxes

Linen Avenue

From cordless blinds and shades, to curtain rods and luxury blankets, Linen Avenue offers a selection of high quality home goods. We hold our products to strict manufacturing requirements, so our customers can always expect the highest quality materials.

Product information