
●Vintage 30 Voiced Speaker
●Made in USA


British Vintage Series 12 BV-30V Speaker 16 OHM 60W 1.75 Voice Coil 47 oz. Magnet Resonance (Fs) =72Hz
Sensitivity = 99db 1W/1M
Power Handing = 60 watts

The idea for the BV series came when Celestion moved much of their operations to the far east and began to use, what we considered critical parts like the cone were sourced there as well. To our surprise, the Asian produced Celestions have turned out to be excellent speakers but we often hear complaints of cone cry issues. We sourced the original soft parts (cone, spider, dust cover) from the correct British source and then had our own baskets and magnet assemblies tooled in the US. The result is an American made speaker with a British sound that is unmistakable. We did a lot of testing with some very demanding players and amp builders - mostly the kind who like their British stacks and Gibson Les Pauls. We werent done until they were satisfied that the tone was as good, if not better than their vintage equipment and the incidence of cone cry was substantially reduced. The idea to do this was such a good one that since Mojo introduced the BV series, every other speaker manufacture has attempted to do the same - including the most obvious one! Those who have had a chance to try them all agree the BV series stands out.