
●Format: DVD
●Language: English
●Subtitle: English, Korean (Default), None (All removable)
●Region: Region 0/All (1/2/3/4/5/6)
●Screen Format: NTSC / 1:33:1 Full Screen / Black & White
●Running time: 84 min
●Some Korean letters on the front & back cover - Korean import release!
●Cover has the foreign language text as the picture shows.


The main characters are an elderly couple of Lesters, Jeter and Ada, with a marriageable daughter Ellie Mae, an oligophrenic son Dude and his wifes mother. In previous years, their family grew tobacco and transported it along the local road (hence the title of the film), but now the farm has fallen into disrepair. Captain Tim returns to the city, the son of a landowner who leased land to the Leicesters. Tims family also went bankrupt, while the bank takes the land and gets rid of the tenants. Together, the heroes manage to persuade a bank representative to transfer the Lesters to an annuity of $100 a year. Jeter has a new goal - to get money. In parallel, two side storylines develop. Son Dude marries sister Bessie, a religious woman, and daughter Ellie May marries miner Love. After many adventures, the head of the family fails to find the right amount. Payday arrives and the Lesters leave the farm and go to a nursing home. Along the way, they meet Captain Tim, who offers to give them a lift. However, he returns the Lesters to the farm and reveals that he paid for them six months in advance. Happy Jeter again dreams of a great harvest.