
●★ Premium Material - Shade sail is made from high density polyethylene material, UV treated block 95% harmful rays protect the direct sunlight while cool breezes and rain drops permeate the knitted mesh. Covered area temperature lower at least 10 degree.
●★ Details - The fabric is cut from a complete net, and finish with double strong stitching seam. 3 anti-rust D-rings on each corner and include 3 pieces ropes.
●★ Occassions - Sails are excellent for garden, patio, sandbox, backyard, porch, pool, BBQ area, driveway, entryway, lawn, pond. It could be used individually for smaller areas or several may be combined to cover larger areas.
●★ Special Curved Designed - Edges are made slightly curved based on precisely calculated radian, helps shade sail to stay tight and neat after installation, prevent shade sail from saggin in the middle for best appearance and performance.
●★ Build to last - This Triangle sail shade is a made to last for 5 years under regular weather. Offering 100% customer satisfaction service is our goal, but if you dont like please return it within 30 days to get a full refund.

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SUNLAX Sun Shade SailsSUNLAX Sun Shade Sails

SUNLAX Sun Shade Sail

As a leading Shade Sail brand in the United States, we are dedicated to providing you with the highest quality Shade Sails, ensuring a comfortable and convenient experience for your outdoor activities.

Special Curved Designed Special Curved Designed

Special Curved Designed

Curved Designed helps shade sail to stay tight and neat after installation, prevent shade sail from saggin in the middle for best appearance.

Durable stainless steel D-ringsDurable stainless steel D-rings

Durable Stainless Steel D-ring

Durable stainless steel D-rings protect against fading, rust and corrosion, significantly increasing the life of the shade sail.

cut from a complete netcut from a complete net

Full Cut Shade Sails

The fabric is cut from a complete net, and finish with double strong stitching seam, which is more aesthetic and increases the life of the shade sail.

thick strong webbing thick strong webbing

Thick Strong Webbing

Thick strong webbing on every side help the shade sail hold in normal windy weather.

color and sizecolor and size

SUNLAX Sun Shade Sails

Rectangle Sun Shade Sail

Rectangle Sun Shade

Triangle sun shade

Triangle Sun Shade

Straight Eage sun shade

Straight Eage Sun Shade

Shade Sail Hardware Kit

Shade Sail Hardware Kit

High Density Polyethylene
95% UV Protection
90% Shading Rate
Stainless Steel