
●QUE ES OTOSTICK? - Otostick es un corrector de orejas para adultos fabricado con un adhesivo de silicona de grado medico. Garantiza que cada oreja se adhiera a la parte adyacente de la cabeza sujetando las orejas hacia atras y proporcionando un aspecto totalmente natural y sin dolor de la oreja. Se creo a partir de una necesidad: corregir las orejas prominentes (comunmente conocidas como "orejas grandes") de forma sencilla, sin necesidad de cirugia plastica u otoplastia.
●FACIL DE USAR Y EFECTO INMEDIATO - Adecuados para cualquier ocasion o actividad, los correctores de orejas Otostick son productos de autocuidado faciles de usar, comodos y discretos, ya que estan hechos de silicona transparente. Es importante seguir las instrucciones de colocacion que figuran en el prospecto para garantizar que cada corrector dure lo maximo posible y que la posicion de las orejas sea optima.
●APLICACION Y COLOCACION - Limpie la zona detras de las orejas con un producto astringente a base de alcohol. Determine el punto exacto de colocacion antes de finalizar la posicion. Retire el papel protector del lado que va en la oreja y peguelo primero en la oreja antes de retirar el papel protector del lado que va en la cabeza. Presione la oreja contra la cabeza, teniendo cuidado de no dejar pelo debajo del parche. Presione durante unos segundos para asegurar una buena adhesion.
●CONTENIDO Y DURACION - Cada kit de Otostick contiene 8 correctores, recomendados para su uso a partir de los 3 años. Por termino medio, cada corrector dura entre 3 y 7 dias si se aplica correctamente. Como alternativa, puede utilizar los parches correctores para ocasiones especificas en las que, en caso de un peinado particular, la prominencia de las orejas sea mas notable. Para prolongar la duracion efectiva, asegurese de colocarlos correctamente sobre la piel limpia y seca.
●RECOMENDACIONES - Esperar 4 horas desde la aplicacion antes de mojar los parches de silicona, teniendo cuidado de evitar actividades que induzcan a la sudoracion o el uso de accesorios, que puedan tirar o frotar los correctores. Entre la retirada de un corrector y la aplicacion de uno nuevo, es aconsejable dejar descansar la piel durante un periodo de 12-24 horas e hidratar la zona con una crema hidratante. RECUERDE limpiar bien la zona una vez mas antes de aplicar un nuevo par.


Otostick Banner ImageOtostick Banner Image

What is Otostick?

Developed and created by Francisca Gamero, who noticed her daughters ears beginning to protrude at 4 months of Age, Otostick was refined over several years into the unique and internationally patented device that is recognized worldwide today. Otostick is a corrector for protruding ears made from medical silicon and skin adhesive. It adheres to the ear and the contiguous part of the head, providing an immediate solution to prominent ears and an all natural effect on the appearance. Otostick is discreet and made in comfortable, clear silicone. All you need to do is put it in place, and you’ll see instant results in how your ears adopt a more natural position.

Otostick Characteristics

Otostick Well Being ImageOtostick Well Being Image

Otostick Characteristic ImageOtostick Characteristic Image

Otostick Invisible ImageOtostick Invisible Image

Well Being

Otostick is a simple solution to protruding ears. Its immediate effect enables anyone to feel more sure of themselves.

Immediate Effect

In just a few minutes and with little effort, the effect of Otostick becomes instantly visible.


Being discreet is among the many qualities of Otostick. Once applied, they are virtually unnoticeable.

Otostick Resistance ImageOtostick Resistance Image

Otostick Adaptability ImageOtostick Adaptability Image

Otostick Freedom ImageOtostick Freedom Image


Otostick proves to be heat, sweat, and water resistant when adhered properly. Following proper placement ensures they last as long as possible.


The correctors adapt to any type of physical activity. Its flexibility enables it to adapt to all your movement, retaining its properties even when you are going about your day.


Otostick gives you the freedom to decide what hairstyle you can have and when, enabling you to have comfort knowing you will be in focus, and not your ears.

Placement Guide

Otostick Placement Guide 1Otostick Placement Guide 1

Otostick Placement Guide 2Otostick Placement Guide 2

Otostick Placement Guide 3Otostick Placement Guide 3

Otostick Placement Guide 4Otostick Placement Guide 4

Step 1

Prepare the area by removing moisture, dirt and grease from the skin.

Step 2

Determine the exact spot where the corrector will go before removing the paper protecting the adhesive.

Step 3

Remove the paper protecting the adhesive from the part that will go to the ear and stick the corrector in place.

Step 4

Remove the paper protecting the adhesive from the part that will go on the head. Fix the part on it by exerting gentle pressure in a straight line.

Otostick Cosmetic Ear Tape Beauty BoxOtostick Cosmetic Ear Tape Beauty Box

Technical Information

Our products are certified Class I health products by the Spanish Medication and Health Products Agency (Ministry of Health, Consumption and Social Welfare). This means these products are made with medical-grade materials and quality and safety processes that are standardised and audited (ISO 13485:2016 on Quality for Health Products) to ensure the quality of Otostick and Otostick Baby.

Otostick Cosmetic Ear Tape Beauty BoxOtostick Cosmetic Ear Tape Beauty Box

Otostick Aesthetic Tape Ear SupportOtostick Aesthetic Tape Ear Support

Otostick Alternative to Cosmetic SurgeryOtostick Alternative to Cosmetic Surgery