
●4 Camphor Laurel Pen Turning Blanks furniture and crafts.

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[Dark Color Camphor]

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4 Camphor Laurel Pen Turning Blanks Camphor laurel yields a beautiful, rich honey-coloured timber with a clean, fresh camphor smell that is perfect for furniture, carving, and cabinetry. Camphor laurel timber is excellent for creating fine furniture. Its heartwood varies widely in colour from pale to mid brown and is often streaked with darker brown or red. The sapwood is very wide and pale brown. The timber’s grain is usually interlocked with a moderately fine and even texture. The camphor laurels extraordinary strong dark grain against a yellow base creates distinctive furniture and crafts. It is also recommended for use as slabs in kitchen benchtops, tables and shelves, as well as decorative veneers, internal lining boards and turned or hand-carved bowls.