Feature(may vary by option.)

●Cokin Z-Pro Series Yellow Filter, 4x4" / 100x100mm
●Country of Origin:France
●Package weight:4.0 lb
●Package dimensions:173.0"L x 120.0"W x 7.0"H

[Lサイズ(Z-PROシリーズ) yellow]

[XLサイズ(X-PROシリーズ) グリーン]

[XLサイズ(X-PROシリーズ) yellow]

[XLサイズ(X-PROシリーズ) セピア]

[Lサイズ(Z-PROシリーズ) Infrared Red 89B]


When shooting landscapes A yellow filter darkens the sky slightly, helping to balance its exposure against the darker ground. It also bring out clouds nicely, resulting in more interesting skies. Portrait photographers use it to produce warm, natural, pleasing flesh tones, like an orange filter but less intense. Yellow filters are good for separating shades of green, and can be used when photographing plants to increase the contrast of foliage.