Feature(may vary by option.)

●WIDELY USES:1. Moldable plastic create custom grips, mounts, brackets, knobs, dials and connectors without molds. 2. Polymorph thermoplastic create works of art and use in delicate and intricate model making. Perfect for art and craft projects at home, clubs and even work. 3. Repair. Thermoplastic pellets is perfect for repair projects around the home. 4. Polymorph plastic is a great gift for DIY or cosplay lovers.
●REUSEABLE: Thermoplastic beads can be heated to softened and cooled to hardened again and again.
●UNLIMITED CREATIVITY: Polymorph plastic beads can be molded any shape. When moldable plastic pellet becomes dry and hard, you can cut it with scissors, drill, carve, thread and paint it. No need for extruders, molds or epoxy systems.
●EASY TO USE: Plastic molding beads becomes soft in hot water (140°F) and hard at room temperature. No special equipment is needed, just warm water.
●STRONG, SAFE AND RELIABLE: You cant break moldable polymorph with your hands or tools, but its also flexible when spreading on a thin plate. Thermoplastic pellet is non-toxic, environmentally friendly .




Whats the moldable plastic?
1.Moldable plastic beads is a reusable, strong and non-toxic advanced modeling compound that becomes soften in hot water (140°F) and harden at room temperature.
2. It is a lightweight, polyester thermoplastic plastic beads which acts like clay when warm, easy to mold and shape but once cooled it becomes a strong plastic.
3. Moldable plastic is reusable. You can reheate over and over again and re-molded
4. Thermoplastic polymer can be painted, drilled, sanded, varnished, machined, carved or attached to other materials.

1. Prepare a container for the polymorph plastic;
2. Pour appropriate amount of moldable plastic beads into the container;
3. Pour boiling water into the container;
4. Wait for the thermoplastic to become transparent;
5. Carefully remove from the water and get rid of any remaining liquid between the pellets;
6. Make it into the required shape by hand, mold or other necessary tools;
7. Let it cool to room temperature;
8. Color your work.

Product Applications
1. Repair: An extremely versatile solution for repairs. Re-attach, replace or rebuild broken parts. Repair a handle or grips, fix a small leak. Use to cover exposed wires or even make a nut for your bolt. Modify your mouse or tools to fit your hand ergonomically, reinforce fragile pieces or cover sharp edges.
2. DIY: Make wall brackets, hooks, molds, toys. Make your own action figures or accessories.
3. ART: Use for art and craft projects at clubs and other places. Make a variety of crafts, as long as you can imagine.
4.Cosplay: Create props, masks, decorations, jewelry, or other costumes for Halloween or theater. Make unicorn horns, fake teeth, elf ears and festive decorations.