
●Cushion Grip that is soft and durable to make the handle of the Oar more enjoyable as you paddle away.
●Grip will work as an excellent shock absorption on your hand.
●The grip not only add comfort but it protects you handle against small dents in the wood that happen through the years. Now you do not have to worry about the blister from the small dent where the paddle fell over.
●Comes in pairs for gripping both of your paddles.
●The grips will slide on to your handle and give you the protection and comfort you were looking for from a handle that you can trust.


The Gull Grip is designed to make the handle more comfortable as you paddle down the river. It comes in pairs. The grip will fit a handle larger than 1.35" diameter and is 5.25" long. Protection is also a key feature of the grip in allowing your hand to not have to get blisters where imperfections to the handle have occurred.