Feature(may vary by option.)

●7 CHAKRA BALANCING STONES include amethyst, lapis lazuli, turquoise, green aventurine, citrine, red carnelian and red jasper. Healing Aspects: Intentions: Protection, balance, clarity. Chakras: All seven chakras (root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, crown).
●This water charging plate, containing seven chakra stones, embodies the circle’s divine energy in its form. All chakras are balanced with each crystal focusing its vibration on the seven energetic centers.
●When placed in a room, the charging plate dispels negative influence hanging in the air or attached to an individual’s auras. Its circle shape also protects any space’s atmosphere from energetic attacks and clears stagnant flow.
●Use the charging plate for a glass of water to energize its healing. Energizing water with these seven crystals can promote overall wellness to the body and mind.
●The crystals and stones have been charged with positive intentions prior to casting. They have also been smudged with energy clearing white sage. Smudging is an ancient Native American tradition used to cleanse negative energy.

[Black Tourmaline]

[Blue Aquamarine]

[Black Tourmaline Crystal]

[7 healing crystals]


Water Charging PlateWater Charging Plate

Product Description

This water charging plate, containing seven chakra stones, embodies the circle’s divine energy in its form. All chakras are balanced with each crystal focusing its vibration on the seven energetic centres. Use the charging plate for a glass of water to energize its healing. Energizing water with these seven crystals can promote overall wellness to the body and mind. This plate is an energy filter that charges energies when attracted to the metal in the device and filters through the Crystals which re-structure the energy into a more compatible form for humans to be around.

By placing any tumbler, glass or bottle on this plate for at least 3 hours, it helps increase the vibrations of inside contained and reduce the effects of negative energies on them.

7 chakra crystals7 chakra crystals

Benefits of the Seven Chakra Balancing Gemstone

It’ll protect you and your loved ones from negative energies. It’ll also deepen your clarity and focus. You’ll experience a drastic improvement in your sleep and your overall mood will get a lot better.

Amethyst Master Healer for Protection, Concentration, Spirituality

Lapis Lazuli Knowledge & Wisdom stone for Communication, Self Confidence and Creativity

Turquoise is stone of acceptance it induce internal serenity and lift depleted spirits.

Green Aventurine stone of Luck & Creativity

Citrine Stone of Wealth for Wealth, Protection and Will Power

Red Carnelian Stone of Action for Courage, Confidence and Decisiveness

Red Jasper stone of Stability for Energy, Protection and Grounding

energize & charge your waterenergize & charge your water

How it works

Orgone is a mixture of crystal, resin with metal shavings, poured into small molds which is attract etheric energy similarly to Dr. Wilhelm Reich accumulators. Added crystals into this mixture for their ability to make the energy more coherent or to enhance the working the orgone. So it is safe to say that this plate functions as a self-driven, continuously-operating, highly efficient energy transmutation device, drawing in negative life energy and transmuting it into positive energy. The resin in orgone shrinks during the curing process, permanently squeezing the added crystals inside which creates a well-known piezoelectric effect inside the crystal, meaning its end-points become polarized electrically, this apparently causes it to function more effectively as a positive energy generator. Although crystals improve the function of orgone, they are not necessary for the orgone to work.

The circle is universally considered a symbol of totality, wholeness, and perfect balance. Its power is held within its endless shape, encompassing harmony and protecting itself with enclosed boundaries. This water charging plate, containing seven chakra stones, embodies the circle’s divine energy in its form. All chakras are balanced with each crystal focusing its vibration on the seven energetic centers.

Amplifies positive energyAmplifies positive energy

Benefits Crystal Water Charging:

This plate develop is with the fundamental shape-power effects of "Sacred geometry" in the Flower of life design in combination with the natural healing power of Crystals and gems is ideal for energizing drinking water or aromatherapy oils, medicines cosmetics etc. It is said that it increases flow of chi/prana and effortless deepening of your awareness and perception of subtle energies in and around your bodies.

By placing food on the charging plate, you will also charge it with life force energy, make the nutrients more easily absorbable and restructure the water molecules within the food.

Place your plants or herb pots on top of the charging plate for more vigorous growth. Put your vase of flowers on it to make them stay fresher for much longer.

It is great for placing under your pillow at night for better sleep and to encourage vivid dreaming. It will help you process them and clear negative energies that are having a detrimental impact on your health.


Align your mind, body and soul in divine harmony and balance

Use the charging plate not just for a glass of water to energize its healing. Meditating with chakra-healing crystals enhances inner exploration, raises consciousness and self-awareness, and deepens the meditative practice. Your intentions for specific healing whether it be cleansing, communication, or spiritual connection can all be channelled through the point pendant. A point or tower pulls in negative energy from your energetic body and transmutes it into positive healing.

Product specifications