Feature(may vary by option.)

●4 Pack




This 1InTheOffice letter opener measures 9" long and has chrome plated construction for added resilience. It features a smooth surface and a comfort grip that allows mail to be opened quickly and easily. you can open large stacks of incoming mail with ease.

Open your mail quickly and efficiently with this1InTheOffice letter opener

with stainless steel blade! Keep this handy tool at your desk, reception area, or mail room. Its 9" size fits comfortably in the users hand and is perfect for storing away in a desk drawer or organizer.

Opening letters by hand is a slow, inefficient method that may result in painful paper cuts. Using a letter opener ensures your hands and the envelopes contents remain unharmed. The strong, steel blade makes swift, clean cuts while the flat handle is easy to hold for comfortable use.

Overall Dimensionsr

Length: 9"