Feature(may vary by option.)

●Price includes 20 color embroidery floss bobbins, Brilliant six-strand divisible Embroidery Floss,Size 25, 8.7 Yards Each Bobbins
●Material: Stranded Cotton | double mercerized 100% long staple cotton
●Color: 20 Colors,all Colorfastt.All Bobbins Marked Color Number, Color Number are as follow:720,3825,922,921,920,919,918,3770,945,402,3776,301,400,300,3823,3855,3854,3853,3827
●Perfect for Hand embroidery, embellishment, stitching ,friendship bracelets, cross stitch, string art, tassels, diy projects for kids, childrens crafts and it is just the right embroidery kit for beginners
●We offer 447 all colors,For more Beautiful Craft embroidery floss bobbinss click on the link "LE PAON" under the title.24/7 CUSTOMER SUPPORT – You can count on Us














