Feature(may vary by option.)

●Plastic, Metal
●Anti-rebound design provides additional protection in the event of a crash by limiting the car seats movement towards the back of the vehicle.
●Highly visible indicators change from red to green when the car seat is locked into the base and the load leg is properly installed for extra safety.
●Height-adjustable load leg helps reduce crash energy by redirecting forces to the vehicle floor and away from your baby.
●One-hand release buttons allow for easy removal of the car seat from the base.
●Dual Level Indicator ensures the infant car seat is reclined at the proper angle

[Safelock Base]


The SafeLock Base works seamlessly with the Aton M car seat, offering a new anti-rebound design and a height adjustable load leg, to provide extra stability and safety. An extra car seat base can be handy for families with multiple cars and/or caregivers to help transition baby to and from the vehicle without the need to reinstall depending on who they are travelling with.