Feature(may vary by option.)

●Extra room through the seat and thigh
●Sits at your waist; Tapered leg
●Please refer to size chart listed on product imagery carousel for accurate measurements
●Front rise: 10.4", Knee: 17.75", Leg opening: 15.75", Measurements based on size 32 (Standard)
●Front rise: 12.5", Knee: 21.25", Leg opening: 18.75", Measurements based on size 46 (Big & Tall)

[Big & Tall Midnight]

[Standard (New) Walter - Stretch]

[Big & Tall Dancing Robot - Grey]

[Standard Manzanita Subtle - All Seasons Tech - Stretch]

[Standard (New) Native Cali]

[Standard Cholla Subtle - All Seasons Tech - Stretch]

[Big & Tall The Rich]

[Standard (New) Cleaner]

[Standard (New) Hawthorne Shocking - Dark Indigo]

[Standard Mineral Black - All Seasons Tech - Stretch]

[Big & Tall Black Stonewash]

[Standard Manzanita]

[Standard Ancient Ways]

[Standard Catch My Drift]

[Standard The Rich]

[Standard Go Adapt]

[Standard Born to Adapt]

[Standard Never Give You Up]

[Standard Naval Academy - Twill]

[Standard (New) Stealth - Stretch]

[Big & Tall (New) Cleaner]

[Standard Timberwolf - Twill]

[Big & Tall Castilleja White - Stretch]

[Big & Tall Hawthorne Shocking - Dark Indigo]

[Standard Husker - Stretch]

[Standard (New) Kota Skies]

[Big & Tall Funkify]

[Standard (New) Twice as Hard - Destructed]

[Big & Tall Ancient Ways - Dark Indigo]

[Standard Black]

[Standard (New) Fremont Drop Shot - Medium Indigo]

[Big & Tall Bay Tint - All Seasons Tech - Stretch]

[Big & Tall (New) Caraway - Twill]


Levis Mens 541 Athletic Fit Jeans (Also Available in Big & Tall)