Feature(may vary by option.)

●Premium highly refined solvent formula that effectively thins and blends well into oil-based paint, stain and varnishes. It can be used like turpentine with no unpleasant odor
●Excellent cleaner for paint brushes, tools and equipment immediately after use of oil-based paint products
●Cleans and degreases with minimal residue
●Can be used indoors and outdoors
●Product is combustible and harmful if swallowed - Not intended for sale or use in California




U.S. Art Supply Odorless Mineral Spirits / Thinner - Is a Premium highly refined solvent formula that effectively thins and blends well into oil-based paint, stain and varnishes. It can be used like turpentine with no unpleasant odor Excellent cleaner for paint brushes, tools and equipment immediately after use of oil-based paint products Cleans and degreases with minimal residue Can be used indoors and outdoors Product is combustible and harmful if swallowed - Not intended for sale or use in California Weight: 0.95 lb