Feature(may vary by option.)

[18-24 Month Nailed It]

[18-24 Month Level Up]

[18-24 Month After the Storm]

[18-24 Month Hope]


The Nighttime Trainer feature 5 layers of organic cotton and hemp fleece in the wet zone and a layer of TPU, the perfect combination for children new to potty learning or those that need nighttime protection. The stretchy waist and legs allow your child to easily pull the trainer up & down on their own, giving them confidence and independence in this new stage of their life. The natural fiber interior allows your child to instantly feel when they have had an accident which will help them better understand when they need to use the toilet. While our trainers do have a waterproof layer to help prevent puddles, they are not intended to replace a diaper. The Nighttime Trainer will hold an average accident but will need to be changed immediately. If the trainer is left on too long after an accident or if the child is sitting when they have an accident, some urine may leak around the legs. This product is not meant to function as a diaper. If your child is not showing signs of readiness, continuing to use a diaper is recommended.