Feature(may vary by option.)

●Unlimited phone numbers and addresses (fully customizable and can be updated anytime using the ByteTag app or website!)
●Receive a text message, email, and push notification whenever your pet’s ByteTag is scanned
●Receive the GPS coordinates of your missing pet with the tap of a button
●Full control over your privacy: hide your contact information whenever you want
●All information is hosted on a website, so the finder of your pet does not need to download an app



33% of pets will become lost in their lifetime. Thats a frightening statistic... Fortunately, ByteTag provides your pet with all the information they will need if they get lost and need to get home safely! You can add as many phone numbers as you want, as many addresses as you want, and information about their behavior, health, and vet. It gets even better because you’ll receive a text message, email, and push notification whenever your pet’s ByteTag is scanned. Plus, the person who finds your pet can send your their current GPS location at the tap of a button, and you’ll receive the same notifications. Don’t worry, if you’re concerned about privacy, we have a “Privacy control” feature which allows you to hide your contact information at the tap of a button. So, if your pet isn’t lost, and you’re taking them out, you can enable “Privacy control”, so no one can scan their tag and see your information. When we created ByteTag, our mission was to give our pets a “voice” if they were ever lost. Something that would allow them to describe all the important information about them to whoever finds them. We’re proud to have accomplished this mission, and we’re incredibly grateful that over 100,000 pet owners across the world believe in the value of ByteTag.