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Vos Ceramic Knife - Discover The Sharpest Edge


One of the biggest disadvantages of stainless steel knives is that they constantly require resharpening. Additionally, if not
properly cleaned, the blades leave a metallic taste on the foods they are used on. This professional ceramic knife overcomes
all these limitations by using a ceramic blade. The ceramic blade is almost twice as hard as a steel blade and thus retains
sharpness up to 15 times longer. Additionally, it is both hygienic and easy to clean because it is resistant to rust, oils and acids
from foods.


The Vos Ceramic knives are sharp and don’t wear out easily. They don’t require sharpening for many years.
No nasty odor: unlike a steel knife, the ceramic knife may not rust, pit, or leave a metallic taste in the mouth. It will also prevent odors from transferring from one food to another. Cut something spicy; give the knives a quick rinse and move on to cutting the other item.

Easy Storage

Such a handy knife is always a great companion for outdoor activities like barbecues, camping, and hiking. To make is safe
to transport, this ceramic knife comes with a protective sheath that prevents the knife from being a hazard, and also prevents
the delicate ceramic blade from being damaged. It also comes with a beautiful box that makes it a great gift for your friends
and family.

Vos Ceramic Knife Advantages

Shаrрnеѕѕ - Our ultrа-ѕhаrр аdvаnсеd сеrаmіс blade wіll rеtаіn іtѕ оrіgіnаl sharpness uр tо 10 tіmеѕ lоngеr thаn ѕtееl blаdеѕ.

Purіtу- Ruѕt-рrооf, wіll nеvеr brown fооdѕ, іmреrvіоuѕ tо асіdѕ аnd оіlѕ, nо mеtаllіс tаѕtе оr smell. Advаnсеd ceramic іѕ a рurе & hеаlthу alternative.

Lightweight - Tурісаllу hаlf thе wеіght оf mеtаl-bаѕеd knives, оffеrѕ tоtаl ease of use with the mоѕt dіffісult сuttіng tasks. Ergonomic hаndlеѕ produce a wеll-bаlаnсеd, highly соntrоllеd grip.

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