
●⚑ Measurement: Actual height is 5 9" , made to fit perfectly on 6 footer fence.
●⚑ Durable: Fabric is breathable which allows breeze to go through, made of UV & water resistant heavy duty commercial grade HDPE (High-density polyethylene), made to last under sun exposure and all weather condition,
●⚑ Privacy: 90% blockage gives you the privacy you deserve, not completely blackout but the right amount of privacy and blockage,
●⚑ Installation: Edges are finished with heavy duty black binding and stainless brass grommets, 4 grommets in each corner, other grommets are placed evenly along the edges, 12" apart on vertical edges, 24" apart on horizontal edges.
●⚑ Warranty: 3 years limited warranty, there are lots of different ways to use: protection for vegetable garden plants, Blackhouse covering, wind blocking for plant nursery area, window shades, tennis court, shades for pet pen / kennel, construction site, etc. Breathable weaving fabric allows water and air to go through freely, resistant to both UV and water, no maintenance needed.

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90% blockage gives you the privacy you deserve, not completely blackout but the right amount of privacy and blockage.


Breathable weaving fabric allows water and air to go through freely.


Edges are finished with heavy duty black binding and stainless brass grommets, 4 grommets in each corner, other grommets are placed evenly along the edges, 12" apart on vertical edges, 24" apart on horizontal edges.


Havy dutyHavy duty


Easy to intall.

Heavy duty double layers, prevent frayed edges.

Multiple color available.

From the brand