Feature(may vary by option.)

●Marine grade polyurethane elastomeric adhesive and sealant designed with a long open time for long-time jobs
●PERFORMANCES: Use above and below water line. Permanently elastic and high strength.
●DURABILITY: Salt water resistant. NSF approved for drinkable water and USDA approved for incidental food contact.
●USES: May be used for light duty bonding, can be painted or sanded.
●APPLICATION: Applied with standard sealant gun, this product is suitable for experienced professional users only.

[10.1 fl. oz Mahogany]


Sikaflex 291 LOT is a 1- component, marine grade polyurethane elastomeric adhesive and sealant. It is a moisture cured, non-sag system designed with a long open time for jobs that require more time. Sikaflex 291 LOT is an all-purpose marine sealant which may be used for light duty bonding. Sikaflex 291 LOT can be applied above and below a water line, resists salt water and can be left open for a long period of time in humid climates or on jobs requiring additional application time. Sikaflex 291 LOT can be painted, comes in versatile packaging, offers excellent bonding, is permanently elastic, has high strength and can be sanded. Sikaflex 291 LOT is NSF approved for potable water and USDA approved for incidental food contact.