

amazon sword aquarium plantamazon sword aquarium plant

Amazon Sword Echinodorus Bleheri

The Amazon Sword Plant is a common and popular freshwater aquarium plant sold in pet stores today. They are beautiful, easy to care for, and beneficial to the rest of your fish tank. Amazon Swords can grow 20 inches tall or more, making them a great background plant for large aquariums or a centerpiece for small aquariums. These plants are in the Echinodorus family which are best fed at their roots. With a nutrient rich substrate or root tabs Amazon Swords will tolerate most lighting conditions, but moderate to high lighting is optimal.

  • Provides natural cover for fish
  • Adds extra oxygen to the tank
  • Helps clean and filter the water to remove ammonia

Just a few of the many benefits

amazon sword aquarium plantamazon sword aquarium plant

amazon sword aquarium plantamazon sword aquarium plant

amazon sword aquarium plantamazon sword aquarium plant

Example photo of our Amazon Swords

The Amazon Sword Plants grow tall and provide excellent cover for fish

EASY to Grow

amazon sword aquarium plantamazon sword aquarium plant

Provides cover for your fish

Amazon swords can reach up to 16-20 inches in height so once they get larger the plants provide excellent hiding spots for fish and other aquatic creatures alike.