Feature(may vary by option.)

●+/-5mV Accuracy

[ORP Meter with Platinum Electrode ORP Meter with Platinum Electrode |  +  & -1000mV |  1mV Resolution |  +  & -5mV Accuracy]

[TDS Meter with 1 Point Manual Calibration TDS Meter |  0 to 10 ppt |  0.1 ppt Resolution |  2 percent Accuracy]

[Portable 0.0 to 14.0 pH]


Milwaukee MW500 LED Economy Portable ORP Meter with Platinum Electrode, +/-1000mV, 1mV Resolution, +/-5mV Accuracy is simple and convenient to use. Use and Care : Properly maintaining your ORP probe will give you fast, accurate results for longer. Here are our top three tips : 1. Always store with the cap full of buffer or storage solution not water. 2. Clean your probe regularly by soaking in cleaning solution. 3. Calibrate after cleaning and/or storage before testing to adjust for changes in the ORP probe sensor.