Feature(may vary by option.)

[16.0 Inches]


Our Up Graded Jewelry

We’ve spent years researching, finding, and selling Silver Jewelry from all over the world and we have after these many years settled on Italy as the #1 source for Sterling Silver Chains. Anyone can find silver chains all over. At the mall, at the jewelry store etc. etc. And many of those also come from Italy.

But our Jewelry is different from all others. It has been designed by us and therefore it is not your normal jewelry. We have spent years listening to our customers talk about what their Ideal Silver Chain would be like. Strong, does not pull my hair, is shiny and bright, does not knot or kink easily, gets me many compliments and more.

We have scoured the Factories in Italy and there are lots of them. We narrowed it down to just a couple of them whos quality is something we can be proud of and we have branded our own "recipe" to make up these superior chains. Including the exact specifications of cut, color, strength, clasp types and connector ring size and more. Each of our chains have been designed directly by us and are superior to what can be found in Department and Jewelry Stores.

What To Look For In Sterling Jewelry

Sterling Silver Jewelry has always been a more affordable alternative to Gold and one should be sure to choose the right thickness for a particular use. For instance, let’s use the following "rules" to help us choose.

  • If worn alone, the thinnest available box or Singapore chain works. You can also use the thinnest box chain for very small lightweight pendants just fine.
  • For a dramatic approach the shiny 8-sided magic snake chain is a good choice. Not usually used for heavy pendants though because too much side pressure can cause it to kink.
  • For heavier pendants, the 2MM Rope Chain is great and super sturdy. It can handle just about any weight of pendant anytime.
  • For multiple Chain combinations, we always go with the thinnest for the shortest one and thicker up the line to a total of maybe up to 5 chains.
Always ensure you choose the one chain that you love most. But of course, you will.

Wrapping it All Up

The Smelting Process to make .925 Sterling Silver is a VERY exact process. The metals are mixed precisely and heated to an exact temperature. This is then pushed out through the bottom into a .925 Sterling Silver Rod about ½ inch thick. Then the rod is rolled through rollers that stretch out the Silver into a wire that is thinner and thinner all the way down to what is needed to make a particular chain.

We supervised and quality checked each step of the process to ensure our products met with our specific needs before we decided to use that Factory to manufacture Designer Sterling Silver Chains..

.8MM Box Chain.8MM Box Chain

YOU WILL BE PLEASANTLY SURPRISED at how beautiful this chain is and how many compliments you will get on it.

NOTE: Sometimes we can sell out of this width, but do not worry, we offer a 1MM Version and a 1.5MM Version. Both are stronger and you can barely tell the difference. Just click on the DESIGNER STERLING SILVER (in Blue) ABOVE and you will see all we have to offer and you can choose from there.

Designer sterling Silver Chains On AmazonDesigner sterling Silver Chains On Amazon

We very much enjoy our business and we completely stand behind all our products. This is one reason we have done well in the sales of our Designer Sterling Silver Jewelry. We love our customers and our customers love us.

A brief read through our reviews will say more about Designer Sterling Silver than we could ever say about ourselves.

Designer Sterling Silver by Media Productions

Mary Elizabeth and I have been in the Jewelry Business for over 30 years and through those years have heard many comments and complaints from people about buying Jewelry from Retail Jewelry stores. We have heard those comments and have set about to upgrade and help our customers deal with some issues involving Sterling Silver Jewelry

One issue is and has always been tarnishing. As an issue, oxidation has been at the forefront to people’s resistance to buy and wear Sterling Silver Jewelry. Silver tarnishes. Some companies for years plated their silver with Nickel which is beautiful, shiny and does not tarnish. But recently it has come to light that people are many times allergic to this metal. So lately Rhodium from the platinum family of metals was used. There are other coatings which to a greater or lesser extent slow or try to stop the tarnishing process.

However, all the methods have downsides to them. Most notably is the fact that if Silver is plated with a super thin coat of another metal or e-coating or any sort of anti-tarnish agent, its plating starts to erode and come off over time and the result is far worse than simple tarnishing and can ruin the Silver Jewelry altogether.

We opted for a far different approach. We do not plate ANY of our Jewelry with any sort of anti-tarnish coating. Instead we supply (with every order) a simple homemade how-to guide on how to get rid of not only future tarnish on your Silver Jewelry, but this works on ALL Silver - Jewelry Flatware - all of it and this has met with rave reviews from our customers. And it is done with simple household ingredients you most likely already have at your house.

You will get the recipe right along with your Jewelry purchase from us on every order.

Dean and Mary Elizabeth Glosup
Designer Sterling Silver

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