Feature(may vary by option.)

●Made by Peer Hastam™ from Bnei-Brak Israel.
●Hand written by an expert scribe.
●100% Kosher with certificate, proofread by an expert proofreader.
●Size: 10cm / 4.0" , Wrapped in a protective covering.
●4 Years warranty by Peer Hastam.

[4.7  ]

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Each Parchment is hand written by an expert scribe on klaf shelil. Kosher and proofread by an expert proofreader. Comes with a computer check certificate from Mishmereth STaM, a certificate about the kosher level and a 4 years warranty. Made by Peer Hastam from Bnei-Brak Israel.
The Warranty and the Kosher certificate are valid only for Scrolls made by Peer Hastam.
Comes with instructions how to install the Mezuzah and the blessing.

Sephardic or Ashkenazi Scroll? There are two versions of mezuzah – Sephardic for Middle Eastern (Arabic) and Persian background, Ashkenzai for Jews originating from Central and Eastern Europe.
The difference between the two is the style of calligraphy. The ruling is that initially, everyone should follow his fathers tradition but if for any reason, he has not done so, as long as the Mezuzah is kosher, he is observing the mitzvah.