Feature(may vary by option.)

●⭐Details⭐: The twill tape ribbon has a quantity of 1 roll = 36 yards with 3/8 inch wide (10 mm.). It’s long enough to use for any activity you desire.
●⭐Strong & Durable⭐: The twill tape ribbons were made from high quality fabric. The ribbons are durable and strong. So, you will feel positive about buying a high quality product with us.
●⭐Widely Application⭐: The twill tape ribbons are not only for sewing on shirts or pants, they are suitable for many projects like soft furnishings and wrapping gifts. These twill tape ribbons are easy and convenient to DIY.
●🎨Various Colors🎨: There are numerous colors for the twill tape ribbons. So, you are able to choose any color. Because the ribbons have all the colors you require, so you would not be worried about not having the color you want.
●⭐Beautiful Decoration Feature⭐: you can use twill tape to decorate your packages and other objects. The natural color, herringbone twill pattern, and nice flow will make your items appear more sophisticated and impressive.

[MP51 Baby Pink]

[MP19 Kelly Green]

[MP28 Gray]

[MP34 Dark Blue]

[MP5 Rose Pink]

[MP1 White]

[MP38 Orange]

[MP26 Black]

[MP36 Mustard Yellow]

[MP61 Dim Gray]

[MP48 Punch]

[MP39 Ivory]

[MP11 Sky Blue]

[MP23 Brown]

[MP4 Lemon Yellow]

[MP193 Olive Drab]

[MP3 Beige]

[MP10 Red]

[MP2 Banana]

[MP44 Lime Green]

[MP88 Green]

[MP31 Mellow]

[MP142 Plum]

[MP62 Khaki]

[MP22 Purple]

[MP50 Yellow]


3/8" Twill tape, Polyester woven ribbon for sewing, gift wrapping, weddings, apron strings, soft furnishings, crafting.