Feature(may vary by option.)

●The product is 5LB 2.5" Coar Dry Screw
●Easy and simple use kit
●The product is manufactured in China
●Used to fasten drywall to studs
●User-friendly and easily gripped and held
●Black phosphate steel

[#8 x 2-1  & 2  ]


Product Description

The Hillman Group 47129 8-Inch x 2-1/2-Inch Coarse Thread Phillips Drive Drywall Screw, Black

From the Manufacturer

Coarse Threaded Phosphate-Plated Steel Phillips Drive Drywall Screws feature horizontal indentations that help to securely fasten gypsum (drywall) boards to wood studs. Coarse thread screws are more popular, have higher pullout values and are faster driving. Used in commercial applications.