Feature(may vary by option.)

●PASS LIKE A PRO: Use the Pass Rite volleyball training gear to teach proper passing technique by limiting excessive upward arm movement. Small, lightweight velcro wrist and ankle cuffs minimize ball contact and interference
●SECURE DESIGN: Utilizes durable elastic band that attaches to passers wrists and ankles to train for proper volleyball passing
●ADJUSTABLE TO EACH PLAYER: This volleyball training tool has adjustable elastic bands and velcro attachments to accommodate any passers height
●LEVEL UP PRACTICE TIME: Perfect when practicing technique, drills, and performance, for all experience levels from beginner to advanced. Tandem volleyball training equipment - train like a pro
●QUALITY SPORTS GEAR SINCE 1989: Tandem Sport has been manufacturing and distributing quality volleyball, sports medicine, equipment and training devices to the sporting goods market since 1989



Tandem Sport Pass Rite :: The Pass Rite is an easy to use training tool that utilizes a durable elastic band that attaches to the passers wrists and ankles preventing excessive upward arm movement.