Feature(may vary by option.)

●Vented Lid prevents vapor lock when boiling
●Heavy-Duty Welded Handles for secure handling of stockpot
●No-Rust Cast Aluminum Burner
●Perforated Poultry Rack designed to create a circular flow of oil through & around the cavity during frying
●12-in Stainless Fry Thermometer enables you to monitor optimal frying temperature
●2-oz Seasoning Injector is ideal for infusing your favorite seasonings into the turkey prior to cooking
●44-qt Stainless Stockpot with Vented Lid


Bayou Classic "grand gobbler" 44-qt stainless Turkey fryer kit is specifically designed to fry extra-large whole turkeys, up to 25-lbs. In addition, use this versatile stockpot & cooker kit for large-scale entertaining & family meals; whether Boiling a low country boil or simmering batches of chili, stew, & soup. Generous capacity is perfect for malt extract homebrew, preserving & canning. Bayou Classic understands the importance of functional presentation & is the preferred choice of adventurous backyard chefs everywhere.